We continuously monitor and follow market requirements for our transport equipment production line in all industry branches. The quality of our products is recognized by many international customers operating in Croatia and in other markets.

The quality of our products and solutions strengthens our position as a competitive and reliable partner in the construction of new production facilities, reconstruction, and maintenance of transport equipment.

Meticulous project planning enables us to deliver top-notch solutions compliant with the environment protection guidelines. Along with constant improvements in equipment, technology, and knowledge, we are always ready for the growing market challenges and environmental regulations.

Our biggest values have always been knowledge in metal processing, diligent and competent employees, and meeting all legal and other requirements in preserving their health and safety.

The biggest Promid promoters are satisfied customers whose expectations are met, and proven care for the environment during the installation and maintenance activities.

Therefore, our strategic quality goals are

being a reliable partner who cherishes partnerships with all involved parties in sustainable growth and widening the knowledge so as to ensure a respectable market position while using technology that is in line with environment protection guidelines.

Quality and environment protection policy will be reviewed regularly in order to meet the company's conditions and needs.

Križevci, 20.06.2019.

Dragutin Dušak, Managing Director



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